Fashion is a fantastic form of self-expression, and it symbolizes creativity, cultures, and so much more. Fashion and personal style are not stagnant, and they should reflect our personal changes as we grow as people.
So the big question is: how do we break out of our own routine/style rut, and embrace the unknown territory of fashion? Here are four tips on how to break out of your fashion comfort zone:
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1. Keep an open mind and be adventurous.
Just like every other matter in life, if you stay closed off to new concepts, you’ll never be able to learn and absorb fresh ideas that can benefit you. Fashion is a fun discipline and space that offers a lot of freedom in how you want to showcase yourself, so be free and let your imagination go wild when it comes to exploring your options!
2. Gather inspiration from everywhere.
It’s so important to stay inspired. By staying inspired, you’re constantly stimulating your mind with endless possibilities! Inspiration can come in many forms: you can be inspired by an event or feeling that leads you to creating a certain color palette; you can be inspired by a blogger who has a different style that yours; you can be inspired by an era that you’re intrigued by… Take those bits of inspiration and incorporate it into your personal style!
(See our guide to finding fashion inspiration for more on this, and be sure to check out our Inspiration section to see what’s inspiring us right now.)
3. Challenge yourself with styles you’ve never tried before.
This is the tougher part – it takes effort to find ways to challenge yourself and change your style. But it’s not impossible! Look through the styles or trends that inspired you, and pick a few that you’re the most comfortable with. Start from there, and make use of your inspirations to learn how to blend them into your wardrobe!
4. Start small, with baby steps.
No one can change overnight. That’s why when you start taking risks, you start from smaller ones. Start with changes that are smaller and manageable, and once you’re more confident, you can then take on bigger challenges!
For example, if you love the trend of bright colors but are too scared to start? Find hues and tones that are slightly less bright (e.g. Burgundy/Bordeaux over a bright red), but are not neutral colors to ease yourself in.
Well…what do you think?
Here are my little ways to challenge my own personal style! Do you have tips to share with us on how to revamp/spice up your own style? Share with us in the comments below!