We all encounter people in our lives who stick with us, who cheer us on, who help us to grow.
This letter is for you.
Yes, you.
The sister who shares my blood.
The sisters to whom I have been bound to since childhood.
The sisters I have met in adulthood.
The sisters who have just been there — through it all.
If you’re reading this, you know who you are, and I hope you know how much you mean to me. It is your support, love, and encouragement that has allowed me to grow into who I am today.
As I look back on this past year — this past semester, especially — it has been rough to say the least, but it has also given me the great gift of gratitude for those around me who choose to be here and to stay here in my life.
Friendship isn’t an exact science, it’s both a game of chance and a game of fate. Either way, I firmly believe there is a reason why each of you has crossed my path.
Also Read: Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self
You have all taught me valuable lessons, like accepting that we can’t always have nice things but we can create the best things from what we already have.
You have shown what it means to actually show up, no matter how much time has past or how much bullsh*t has come between us.
You’ve given me something special to cling to, like cutie cat hug mugs.
You’ve clung to me when all I needed was a hug after a great loss, even though I would never admit it.
And you’ve been there to make life worth living in every moment, especially when the chorus of “Dancing Queen” is belting from the speaker of a jenky frat basement.
My sisters, you are absolute forces of nature. You are brave women who inspire me, strengthen me, and empower me. You teach me that I am more than my sad moments, and my shortcomings, and that I am more myself in the moments we spend laughing and dancing around like complete imbeciles.
Thank you my sisters, for all you do and all you continue to do. My life would absolutely not be what it is without each and every one of you.
To my sisters I have not yet had the pleasure to meet, and to those sisters who need a little help finding their way to their own sisterhoods:
Life is all about choices, while some are out of our control, the most important one is solely up to you. No one can do life alone, not matter how resolute we feel in our own capability. You need people who care to be there, who check up on you “just because,” who squeeze you a bit too tight with each hug, who are positive influences on the way you live your life.
Strive to find sisters like mine – who show you unwavering love and support, who would move mountains to shed light on your darkest days, and who will make memories that will last a lifetime.
If I could give you anything, it would be the feelings of love that all of my sisters from other misters have given to me.
So, soon-to-be-sisters, I can’t wait for you to find me!
I want to hear from you in the comments below!
What are your sisters like? How would you thank them if you got the chance? Have they changed your life like mine have?