L’Oreal Paris The One Sweep Eye Shadow: $9.95 at Drugstore.com
As a college student, I’m always looking for ways to cut down my “getting ready” time, so that I can spend those few extra minutes sleeping or cramming before an exam.
While I may not wear much eye shadow to class, I definitely wear it to work almost every day, so I was excited to try L’Oreal Paris Studio Secrets Professional The One Sweep eye shadow, which promises to not only flatter your eye color, but to cut time with a “one sweep” application.
The eye shadows come in twelve shades to complement every eye color. There are “Natural,” “Playful,” and “Smoky” sets for Blue, Green, Brown, and All Eye Colors.
“Natural” and “Playful” shades for blue, green/hazel, brown, and all eyes
The shadow is already separated into the three colors side-by-side with a large, flat brush that mimics the shape of your eyelid for simple application.
Table of Contents
My Eyeshadow Shade:
I chose the “Smoky for Green Eyes” set with beautiful charcoal, light grey and white shimmer shades.
The Application Process:
Luckily for me, the eye shadow package comes with instructions on the back. They are rather basic, so I would suggest visiting The L’Oreal Paris website for tips. The site has a great how-to video that, I think, explains the process much better than any pictures could.
The best tip I interpreted from the video is to keep the base of the applicator right on the base of the eyelid and to slightly sweep upward while applying the shadow. The first few times I attempted the application, I realized I was applying the shadow in a slightly downward stroke which simply looks odd.
Step 1:
Apply the shadow to the applicator. This is a basic step: Simply place the applicator brush onto the shadow so it aligns with the curves of the palette and press down gently as you sweep the brush across the shadow in a downward motion.
Step 2:
Now, take the applicator brush and align the pointed end tip with the inner corner of your eye. Make sure the darkest shadow is along your lash line. While holding the applicator brush against your eye, gently sweep the applicator across your eyelid. Don’t forget to sweep slightly upward towards the end!
Simply repeat the process for your other eyelid, using the other side of the applicator brush. Voila! It’s just that simple.
My Final Look:
Here’s the finished product on my eye! After taking these pictures, I lightly applied black eyeliner right along my lash line and finished with a swipe of mascara.
Final Advice + Review:
I’ll admit, I was quite skeptical about The One Sweep eye shadow. When I first saw the ads, I thought it would be impossible to get a smokey eye with just one brush and one sweep. However, the applicator proved me wrong.
That’s not to say I got it immediately: I used the product about three times with dismal results until I watched the how-to video from L’Oreal’s website. That really made all the difference, so I highly suggest reviewing the video before you try.
Also, even after applying the one swipe of shadow, I made a few adjustments myself. I didn’t alter the darker shades on my eyelid, but used a brush of my own to apply some more of the highlighter shade to my brow bone.
Overall, I rate the L’Oreal Paris The One Sweep eye shadow a 5 out of 5.
First, the applicator really does work once you practice with it a few times. Second, even if I lose the applicator, the eye shadow shades are gorgeous on their own and I know I’ll use them til they’re gone. Third, as soon as my roommate saw how simple the process was for such pretty results, she decided to get her own One Sweep eye shadow kit. This could be a great holiday gift for your makeup maven girlfriends.
Your Thoughts?
Have you ever used the L’Oreal Paris The One Sweep eye shadow before? What were your results and do you have any application tips to share? And have you tried the other One Sweep product- the Sculpting Brush duo? Would you ever use The One Sweep to create smoky eyes or will you just stick to your tried-and-true routine? Leave a comment and let us know what you think!
I love love these applicators and the eye shadow one sweep. Done . My only problem is I wish they sold the applicators separately. As I own different colors and other eye shadows . And these applicators are all I use now but have to use one for all colors and whip clean … Listen up loreal please sell them separate ..ill by a lot !!
I bought this because of your post, and I LOVE IT!! thank you 🙂
Lots of negativity in the comments! Collegefashion is always honest if a company asks them to review something, and if you look at other “I Tried It…” reviews, most of them are not this positive. In fact, they’re often sort of negative. As someone who struggles to do a smokey eye and doesn’t have all of those colors, I think it looks really cool. What’s wrong with wanting an easier option? Not everyone has the time, patience, skill, or products to do something like that, plus it would be great to travel with! If you had negative experiences with the product that’s one thing, but no need to attack the blogger.
Maybe I’m just an eye shadow snob but I hate drugstore eye shadow. It’s always too light, chalky and very flat. Also how hard is it to do eyeshadow? Is this really necessary!?
The perfect product for people who want to cut corners and look like their make-up is smudged. The final result photo does not impress me at all.
This sounds like a must-try 🙂 thanks for sharing! xoxo
I’ve seen too many bad reviews for this product- not to mention, I hate those little sponge applicators. I won’t be buying.
Glad you liked it though!
I like mix and match makeup so I prefer doing it on my own, sounds cool though 🙂 I’m glad to finally hear a review about it somewhere!
love it!! looks very easy!!
No way.. 5 out of 5! When I saw the advertisment for this..I knew it wasn’t going to work and I was right. It looked a complete mess when I tried. Everyone eyelids are different shapes so these product couldn’t possiblity cater to everyone.