How to Get Rid of Blackheads

Want to get rid of blackheads? We have the secret! Our tips for getting rid of blackheads will clear up those black dots on your nose for good.

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Girl with clear skin

Blackheads are one of the biggest skin problems that most college-age women face. I’ve gotten quite a few emails asking about how to get rid of blackheads, and I have to say, I used to struggle with them myself!

I have an embarrassing story about how I found out I had blackheads in the first place. I guess you could say I was in “blackhead denial.”

It started out innocently enough – I was hanging out with my boyfriend one weekend, goofing around. All of a sudden, he stared at my face with a scrutinizing look.  Pressing his finger up against my nose, he said “by the way, how do you get rid of those things?” I think you can guess what he meant.

Yes, he was pointing at blackheads. Skin flaws that even I, Ms. Perfectionist, hadn’t thought about before! I knew I didn’t have flawless skin, but couldn’t believe something so tiny would be noticeable. I was so upset and embarrassed that I not only chewed my boyfriend out for pointing them out, but became completely self conscious about my “blackhead problem.” From then on, I developed a complex (and an intimate relationship with my magnifying mirror) and became obsessed with getting rid of them.

Since that fateful day, I’ve done tons of research, learning what those little black dots on your nose are and how to get rid of them!  Although my boyfriend’s comment partially traumatized me, on the plus side, my skin is looking a lot better now and blackheads are no longer an issue.

If you want to get rid of blackheads yourself, or just want to know how to keep them away, read on!

Tips for Getting Rid of Blackheads

Check your makeup

The truth is, what you put on to cover blackheads up might actually be causing more of them!  If you wear lots of heavy foundation or use thick face creams, you could be contributing to the problem with your products!  In general, if you have a problem with greasy skin and clogged pores, consider using as few products as you can.  The fewer layers of stuff that you put on your face, the better.

Lots of water and healthy eating

Cliche’, maybe, but it’s so true.  What you put into your body shows on the outside.  Simple as that.  If you eat lots of greasy crap, your skin is not going to look as good as it would if you ate more veggies and drank more water.

Use BHA for blackheads

BHA stands for Beta Hydroxy Acid, which is an exfoliant that removes the dead layer of skin from your face.  If you’ve ever seen a skincare product that contains salicylic acid, that’s BHA.  BHA is important for getting rid of blackheads because it goes into your pores to clean out the excess oil and dead skin cells that make up blackheads.

A great BHA product that I use is Olay Total Effects Anti-Aging Anti Blemish Daily Moisturizer.  I put it on at night after washing my face, and when I wake up, my skin always looks better and better.  I have less blackheads, and as a bonus, my skin is clearer and softer than it was before!

Do a clay mask once a week

This is only for those of you with oily or combination skin.  Dry skin, obviously, needs all the oil it can get.  Blackheads are partially caused by excess oil on your face, so if you have greasy skin, a good quality clay mask will help sop up some of the grease and keep your pores clearer.  Using it once a week is enough – you don’t want to over-dry your skin, because this could lead to even more problems!

Don’t bother with a pore strip

First of all, they’re basically useless for getting rid of anything that’s stuck deep in your pores.  Second of all, they can actually damage your skin!  I know these things look like miracle products, but save your money because they aren’t really going to help.

Squeeze, but do it carefully! 

This is one situation where picking your face may actually help instead of making things worse.  Don’t take this as permission to pick at your face all you want!  There is a right and a wrong way to squeeze blackheads and it’s really important that you do it the right way.

First, wash your face with a gentle cleanser. (I like Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser.)  Next, cover your face with a warm, wet cloth for 10 to 15 minutes.  Pat your face dry, then wrap tissues around your fingers to prevent slippage.  Use GENTLE pressure to press down then up around the sides of the blackhead.  If nothing happens after one or two tries, stop.  That means the blackhead isn’t ready to come out yet.  Whatever you do, don’t pinch, use your nails or press too hard.  This can damage your skin and might even lead to scars!

See a dermatologist

If all else fails, a derm can really help you out.  They can prescribe things like Retin-A, antibiotics or Accutane, which can all help with blackheads.  Procedures like microdermabrasion are also said to be effective, but I recommend trying the above steps first because the problem can usually clear itself up without these extreme treatments.

At the end of the day, blackheads are kind of an ongoing battle.  For those of us who are prone to them, light makeup, gentle cleansers and BHA treatments are necessary to get rid of them and keep them away.  There isn’t any magical cure that will rid you of them forever, but taking good care of you skin on an ongoing basis will work wonders.

Have you ever had a problem with blackheads? How do you get rid of blackheads? Do you recommend any products to help with the problem?  Let me know in the comments!

93 thoughts on “How to Get Rid of Blackheads”

  1. Thanks for very detailed information, I have been searching the Internet for a long time but this information is invaluable, because I’m tired of having blackheads. Also I found other websites that talk about this subject that could help supplement: RIDBLACKHEADS.BLOGSPOT.COM

  2. Try Aspirin. Put two in your hand and a little bit of water (a little bit!) and a bit honey or aloe vera. Put the paste on your face, leave it for 15-20 minutes and massage it for 5 minutes and then wash it out. Don’t forget moisturizer.

    Some people think this works. It might, but to me it just makes me backheads lighter and smaller, and makes my skin smooth like silk. But it might do miracles to some of you.

    You can also try the cat litter thing. Google it, it’s a bit too complicated to re write ;P

  3. I’m 29 years old and I’m battling acne. I have never had it before has spent thousands of dollars on products that do not work. I’m so ready to give up..
    My husband says that I’m beautiful no matter what. I want to feel the same way.
    I just tried a new product by Neutrogena, its called Blackhead Eliminating scrub.
    but its almost like it made my face worst. I am really lost here, and I know what works for some people may not work for others. I’m not trying to complain, I’m just wanting my clear skin

  4. My mum used to be a beauty theripist, and she seems to think that its okay to squeeze out the blackheads, as long as you do it properly. Clay masks and steaming both work, and for some reason ( idont know why as you would think that it would have the opposite effect), applying E45 cream each night. :s, anyone know why???

  5. never mess with blackheads on your nose. you will end up either having red spots or actually taking off some skin which will leave to scaring (experience) im experimenting with ways to prevent blackheads right now. i heard that actually shaving cream helps. (weird i know) u just pick out any shaving cream put it on the infected spot leave it on over night and rinse in the morning. im not sure if it will work
    if i find a method that works really good i will be sure to let you guys know.

  6. I used to pick at them with my nails and did end up with some worse, more noticable blemishes because of it. just this morning i used the new neutrogena deep clean cleanser. then i used a blackhead removal scrub by neutrogena and i just kept scrubbing and scrubbing. all of a sudden, i had no more blackheads. which is amazing because ive been struggling with them for …forever! and now, just today, in one use, it is gone! amazing! im so happy.

  7. all i have to say is that ive been using proactive for months and i may keep pimples away but it does absolutly nothing for blackheads.

  8. First time I became extremely self-conscious about my blackheads is after one night of not scrubbing my face. It was at school and I met one of my friends at her locker and she was grabbing stuff, then turned to me quick all up close to say something. She looked at me and said “Whoa! Your nose looks like a strawberry with all those black heads”

    I was sooo mortified!

    I now religiously scrub my face. 😛

  9. iam 13 years old and i have a ploblem with blackheads since i was 11! my mom says to put mexican sugar with lemon and scrub that will help the wash it but dont go out in the sun after you do it

  10. thanks so much i am only 13 but ur advice helped alot and i am sorry about ur boyfriend pointing them out that had to of sucked i would have died but if he wouldnt have pointed them out you wouldnt have helped me so thanks so much!!!

  11. Hey, I’ve been reading almost everything and theres all this conflicting advice.
    I’m 15 and I’ve got really bad blackheads they go all the way to the top of my head to the bottom of my chin everywhere. My mom and I have done almost evrything.
    Pore Strips
    Honey mask
    Egg mask
    Clay mask
    nothing gets rid of it and the only way now seems to be a very expensive treatment which we just do not have the money for . This is sad I know.Theres just no end to them.

  12. You guys should try an asprin face mask!
    Asprin actually contains salicylic acid and it won’t ruin your skin. The great part is you can pick asprin up really cheap (Just make sure you get the uncoated stuff).
    First wash your face and then all you need to do is sprinkle a few drops, and I mean only a few drops of water on about 3 asprin tablets and then mix it with some honey. The honey forms a glue but is also really good for your skin. Apply on your face and leave for about 15 minutes, when you wash it off, gently exfoliate at the same time because there will be little grainy bits from the asprin which will help lift out those blackheads. Once you’ve washed it off don’t forget to close your pores with some toner or ice and then moisturize. Your skin will feel super soft and look a lot clearer. I recommend you use it about once a week, I do and it’s helped me a lot!
    Good luck guys and keep up the awesome blog!

  13. I found that the only way I get rid of blackheads is by using a seaweed mask from The Body Shop. I’ve tried other masks, I’ve used the clean and clear blackhead scrub, the biore strips, the st. ives blackhead clearing scrub, etc …. this is the only thing I found to work.

    Thanks for addressing such an issue though! I always secretly hated people when they told me the biore strips worked for them! lol

  14. I try b4,but my blackheads like it too deep that won’t come out…..
    Even, I use the like metal that can take out the blackheads too, also can’t!

    My nose really looks worst cause the blackheads is covering on!!!!!
    Any suggestion for it??


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